Mudra Token Creator

Last updated: Jun, 2021


Mudra Token Creator is the simplest way to create BEP-20 tokens. No coding required, mint tokens instantly. Anti-whale mechanisms, transaction fee rewards, honeypot-free code, and hyper-deflationary mechanics with automated liquidity and buyback - all best-in-class features included in the token generated. Mudra is also the most affordable platform. Not only that, but Mudra Token Creator provides free additional services such as setting up a liquidity pool.

Connecting Wallet

Wallets like Metamask will be detected and connected to automatically. For other wallets, please click on "Connect Wallet" button.


Once connected, it will show the connected account. In case of problems, please refresh the page.


Create BEP-20 Token

You can create BSC/ BEP-20 tokens easily using Mudra Token Creator. Please ensure that your wallet is connected (see previous section)

Step 1: Enter all the token parameters. See next section to know more about these parameters.


Step 2: Click on Create Token button.


Step 3: Confirm the transaction from your wallet. Please note depending on your wallet the confirmation screen might look different.


Step 4: Creation of token might take few seconds. You would see a successful message with a link to BscScan for the generated token


Step 5: The contract verification may continue for few more seconds and you will see a successful message once completed.


Token Parameters

You can configure these token parameters:

Token Name

The name of the token.

This is a mandatory parameter and any name up to 30 characters can be provided.

Token Symbol

The symbol of the token.

This is a mandatory parameter and any symbol up to 10 characters can be provided.

Total Supply

This is the total supply that will be minted at the start.

You can specify any value between 1 and 1000000000000000 (1 quadrillion). Minting is typically considered a bad practice for tokens, hence Mudra Token Creator only allows a fixed total supply.

Total Decimals

The decimal precision for your token.

Acceptable values are 1 to 18. For example, if you choose 2 as decimal precision, the smallest denomination would be a .01 token. This unit is known as wei and is similar to a penny (A U.S. dollar is only divisible into 100 units—pennies because the decimal precision is 2). If you are unsure what it means, use 18.

Tx Fee % to Holders

The transaction fee % distributed to holders.

Static rewards also know as yield incentivizes existing investors to hold the tokens. This fee will be collected from all transactions as a percentage of the transaction token amount and reflected to current holders immediately. The fee transfer is done in the new tokens and not in BNB or any other token.

You can choose between 0 to 10 percent and can change this fee after token mint.

Tx Fee % to LP

The transaction fee % used to add liquidity to PancakeSwap V2.

This mechanics automatically increases the liquidity pool, enhancing price stability and allowing for larger token trading volumes. The token mint adds a liquidity pool pair (token - BNB) in PancakeSwap v2. The fee will be collected from all transactions as a percentage of the transaction token amount. Once the contract holding exceeds 0.1% of total supply, an automated liquidity add will be executed on a sell transaction. During addition, the first half of the tokens are swapped with BNBs and then the next half and BNBs are used to add funds to the LP pool. The LP tokens created are burned and are not assigned to the owner wallet. This mechanics has been popular by SafeMoon.

You can choose between 0 to 10 percent and can change this fee after token mint.

Tx Fee % Burned

The transaction fee % that would be burned.

This decreases the supply of the token in circulation and is an deflationary mechanism to increase token prices. The fee will be collected from all transactions as a percentage of the transaction token amount and sent to the burn address (0x00...dead).

You can choose between 0 to 10 percent and can change this fee after token mint.

Tx Fee % to Wallet

The transaction fee % sent to a specified wallet.

This is commonly used to fund marketing or charity wallets. The fee will be collected from all transactions as a percentage of the transaction token amount and sent to the specified wallet address. The fee transfer happens in batches, once the contract holding exceed 0.1% of token supply. The fee transfer is done in the new tokens and not in BNB.

You can choose between 0 to 10 percent and can change this fee after token mint.

Wallet address for above Tx Fee

Enter the wallet address where the above transaction fee will be sent.

Tx Fee % to Buyback Tokens

The transaction fee % used to buyback tokens.

The phrase "buyback" is used in the stock market to denote when a company buys back its own stock on the open market, hence increasing the stock's value. When the market is experiencing selling, the transaction fees are used to buy back and burn tokens. These purchases not only add more value (BNBs) to the liquidity pool but also limit the overall circulating supply of tokens, causing the price to rise quickly and avoiding large dumps. Also known as hyper-deflationary, this mechanics has been made popular by tokens like EverRise. The fee will be collected from all transactions as a percentage of the transaction token amount. Once the contract holding exceeds 0.1% of the total supply, automated swap will be executed on a sell transaction and BNB will be added to the token contract. Once the BNB balance of the contract exceeds 1 BNB, on a sell transaction 1% of the available BNB balance will be used to buy back tokens.

You can choose this fee to be between 0 to 10 percent and can change this fee after token mint.

Max Wallet %

The maximum supply percentage that a wallet can hold.

You don't want someone to just hoard all of your tokens, therefore putting a limit on how much a wallet can hold is essential. This is Anti-Whale mechanics.

You can specify a value between 1 to 100%. For example, if you specify 1 and the token total supply is 1000, the maximum wallet size can be 10 tokens (1% of 1000). Token owner is excluded from this limit.

Max Transaction %

The maximum supply percentage that a wallet can transfer.

You don't want someone to make a large sell transaction, causing your token price to plummet, therefore putting a limit on how much a wallet can transact is essential. This is Anti-Whale mechanics.

You can specify a value between 1 to 100%. For example, if you specify 1 and the token total supply is 1000, the maximum transaction size can be 10 tokens (1% of 1000). Token owner is excluded from this limit.

Note on Transaction Fees

Each transaction fee needs processing during collection and during execution of the associated mechanics. If you enable all the transaction fees (by setting a non-zero value), certain sell transactions, where most of the mechanics' execution will be triggered like buyback, may consume lot of gas

Token Management

Once you have deployed the token, you can keep managing and changing the configuration through BscScan Read and Write APIs. To know more about how to use these APIs refer to this tutorial.

IMPORTANT: Do not renounce token ownership until you have verified token is working fine and you are satisfied with token configuration.

How to check configured tax rates?

You can see all the configured tax rates from the read API.

Tx Fee % to Holders: _taxFee

Tx Fee % to LP: _liquidityFee

Tx Fee % Burned: _burnFee

Tx Fee % to Wallet: _walletFe

Tx Fee % to BuyBack Token: _buybackFee

How to check wallet where fee is sent?

You can see feewallet from the read API.

How to check whale limits?

You can see _maxTxAmount and _maxWalletAmount from the read API.

Note: These numbers are mentioned in token wei. First convert into number of tokens by dividing by 10decimals and then calculate percentage by dividing by total supply and then multiplying by 100.

For Example: If total supply is 1000, decimals are 5. Then percentage is _maxTxAmount/(10000 * 1000) * 100.

Can I change name, symbol, supply, or decimals?

No these configurations are final and cannot be changed once token is minted.

How can I change taxes?

On Write API - please use function setAllFeePercent to set following. Please note fractional values are not allowed and values should be between 0 to 10. To disable a particular tax, use 0 as value.

Tx Fee % to Holders: taxFee

Tx Fee % to LP: liquidityFee

Tx Fee % Burned: burnFee

Tx Fee % to Wallet: walletFe

Tx Fee % to BuyBack Token: buybackFee

How can I change fee wallet?

On Write API - please use function setFeeWallet and enter the new wallet address and complete the write operation. You will see a successful notification once completed.

How can I change whale limits?

On Write API - please use functions setMaxTxPercent and setMaxWalletPercent and enter the new percentage and complete the write operation. You can set any value between 1 and 100. Fractional values are not allowed.

How can I exclude wallets from reward?

On Write API - please use function excludeFromReward and enter the wallet address to exclude from reward to holders and complete the write operation. You may want to exclude your marketing wallets or other whales from rewards.

How can I exclude wallets from taxes?

On Write API - please use function excludeFromFee and enter the wallet address to exclude from all taxes and complete the write operation. You may want to exclude your dev or charity wallets from fees.

How can I renounce ownership?

On Write API - please use function renounceOwnership and complete the write operation. Once renounced you cannot get ownership back - please be very careful and ensure token is configured properly before renouncing ownership.

How can I transfer ownership?

On Write API - please use function transferOwnership and enter the new wallet address to transfer token ownership to and complete the write operation.


Will I get verified contract on BscScan?

Absolutely, the contract will be verified immediately after deploying the token contract.

How do I manage token after creation?

You can use BscScan to manage your token using the contract tab. See Token Management section. Few features like liquidity pool addition, and token burn are also available on Mudra Token Configurator

Contract verification failed, what should I do?

Please contact us via the link at the bottom of the Creator app. We will get it verified.

Will the source code be available for the token contract?

Yes, the source code can be downloaded from BscScan as the contract is verified./div>

What does the warning on enabling all the transaction fee mean?

If you enable all types of transaction fees (distributed to holders + added to liquidity + burned + sent to wallet + used for buyback), then processing and executing fee mechanics like buyback or liquidity add will incur high gas for few sell transactions.

How can I add liquidity for my token?

Few features like liquidity pool addition, and token burn are also available on Mudra Token Configurator. You can only use it to add the initial liquidity. For adding further liquidity use PancakeSwap directly. You can follow this tutorial

Why do I not see fee transfer happening?

All the fee mechanics execution (except fee to holders which reflects immediately) like fee transfer to wallet or automatic liquidity add happens in batches. The fee gets collected on every transaction and gets accumulated in the token contract. You can verify this by checking the balance of the token contract address. Once the contract has collected tokens equal to or greater than 0.1% of the total supply, the fee transfer happens (to the wallet and any other mechanics like burn or liquidity add) on the next sell transaction. It is done only on a sell transaction to not penalize buyers or other transfers because of the high gas fee required to do such transfers. The sell transactions are the ones where you swap tokens with Pancakeswap BNB liquidity pool.